Federico Ferrarini


Mineral pigments, natural earths on canvas – 55,1 x 167 inch, 140 x 424 cm -2021


The aim of Fecundatio is to demonstrate how the entire Cosmos, understood both as a physical and spiritual entity, is the fruit of a perpetual and essential fusion and concatenation of elements which, like the mater genitrix, give life to new experiments and new results.
reflect on the concept of gestation, understood here as an ideational/creative process, but at the same time factual and material. Together the artistic gesture and the care of the earth and its gifts create an initiatory path for those who conceive life, with its relative cosmogony, as an aesthetic and at the same time ecstatic experience.

“Con Fecundatio il mio intento è quello di dare libero dialogo ad un’esigenza che è affiorata naturalmente, passo dopo passo, nella progressione della mia ricerca.
Fecundatio è la mia visione passionale del cosmo, l’idea che che ogni cosa sia governata da un infinito rito di accoppiamento e allora i dialoghi tra le galassie si tramutano in corteggiamento, le collisioni in atto sessuale, i pianeti in ovuli e i monoliti in semi.”

Which translates as 

“With Fecundatio my intent is to give free dialogue to a need that emerged naturally, step by step, in the progression of my research.
Fecundatio is my passionate vision of the cosmos, the idea that everything is governed by an infinite mating rite and then the dialogues between galaxies turn into courtship, collisions into sexual acts, planets into ovules and monoliths into seeds .”

Federico Ferrarini

Fecundatio - Gallery

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The aim of Fecundatio is to demonstrate how the entire Cosmos, understood both as a physical and spiritual entity, is the fruit of a perpetual and essential fusion and concatenation of elements which, like the mater genitrix, give life to new experiments and new results.
reflect on the concept of gestation, understood here as an ideational/creative process, but at the same time factual and material. Together the artistic gesture and the care of the earth and its gifts create an initiatory path for those who conceive life, with its relative cosmogony, as an aesthetic and at the same time ecstatic experience.


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